Senin, 01 Desember 2014

contoh surat permintaan pembelian dalam bahasa inggris

NO       : 011/PO/24/12/2013
DATE  : December 24th 2013
    Ahmad Yani Street No. 13
    Padang – West Sumatera

Street No. 28 Hamengkubowono IX
Nganjuk – West Java

We have read your advertisement in the newspaper yesterday that given the discount price for your shoes collection up to 45%.  The period at Desember 23th- 29th 2013. Its very interesting, so we want to order 20 pair Machbeth Shoes.

We sending purchase order letter to you and hoping confirmation quickly. If you agree, we will wrote the check amounts Rp 25.000.000 (twenty-five million rupiahs), it’s 50% from total price less discount. The check we send using post office delivery in the next day after we got your confirm.

Thank you for you cooperation. We waiting for your reply and confirmation.


Meidya Putri
Purchase Manage

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